Welcome to our class blog! Here we will be able to discuss what we're learning about in class. Now that Mrs. Perry has discussed Internet safety with you, you may start posting to the blog by writing your goals for the school year. These may be academic or personal goals.
Wow! I am impressed by the goals everyone is making! And I see that some folks are already checking out the blog outside of the school day! Way to go Hana for figuring out how to post on your own!! I know it's a challenge only having three classroom computers, but it'll get easier once we start using the computer lab more!
Okay... MY GOALS:
1. to provide active, engaging activities to help my students learn all that they can.
2. to exercise regularly
3. to maintain a neat and orderly classroom where everything has it's own place.
Chances are that #3 is going to be the tricky one for me. I'm so lucky to have such helpful students at the end of the day to help me stay on top of keeping our room neat, clean, and organized!
See everyone on Wednesday! Enjoy your day off!
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